Pix from the Road
Two things you don’t see in music stores outside of Texas: Accordians Gospel Banjo Music
Two things you don’t see in music stores outside of Texas: Accordians Gospel Banjo Music
Pickup truck back window, Dallas, TX I rolled over to switch off the light last night and came face-to-face with the biggest cricket I’ve ever seen. It must have been close to four inches long. Anna would have checked out of the hotel that minute, leaving her clothes in the closet.
(No one liked the ultimate Flash movie? It’s well worth your time.) Today I received the Most Peculiar Fortune Cookie Ever: “You will witness a special ceremony.” It doesn’t even make sense if you add “in bed.”
Flash animation simply doesn’t get better than this. I think it’s the best thing that ever happened on the internet.
Two licence plate frames I saw last week: Blonde woman driving a convertable VW Beetle, “Press the right buttons and my top comes down.” Guy driving a Z-28 Camaro, “Blondeaholic”